Kindergarten Dolch Sight Words. On this page, you will find many free printable worksheets and sight. Repetition is the key to fluency (reading smoothly, without a lot of pauses), so practicing these words over and over will.
Some sight words are abstract or can't be sounded out phonetically; but by learning to recognize them instantaneously, kids can decipher new words within a. In this sight word game, students will roll a die. Sight words are words that kindergarteners will see the most.
There is nothing wrong with rote memorization, as long as the session is short and repeated daily.
Sight Words are words that students must memorize and know by heart.
This lesson plan can be used every day with a new sight word. For your convenience, I have divided these sight words across five lists: Pre-K Sight Words, Kindergarten. Practice Sight Words and test your vocabulary in Spelling Tests for Sight Words.