Opinion Vs Fact. There are lots of ways that people try to use opinions as facts — and people who try to make facts look like opinions. Knowing the difference between facts and opinions can aid you to use them appropriately and accurately.
A fact is an incontrovertible (undeniable, existent) thing. This truth can test through observation, experimentation, experience or some other means. Subjects: English Language Arts A fact is something that can be proven true, while an opinion is a statement of a person's or group's thoughts, feelings, or beliefs.
Others say that factual statements are "concrete" rather than "abstract", but that answer would render all mathematical statements non-factual, since mathematics involves abstract concepts (e.g. numbers).
Later, students can work through passages of text, or even through the textbook itself directly.
There are lots of ways that people try to use opinions as facts — and people who try to make facts look like opinions. Distinguishing Fact, Opinion, Belief, and Prejudice. Something proven to exist; facts are real.