Compare And Order Fractions. When comparing two fractions with like denominators, the larger fraction is the one with the greater numerator. Compare and order fractions, mixed numbers, integers, decimals and percents from least to greatest, or greatest to least.
When comparing two fractions with like denominators, the larger fraction is the one with the greater numerator. Compare and order fractions, decimals, and percents. When two fractions have the same denominator they are easy to compare Learn how to compare two or more fractions and to write fractions in ascending or descending order.
Convert each fraction to decimals, and then compare the decimals.
How do you order fractions from least to greatest and vice versa?
The denominator is the bottom number in a fraction. Here you will find a selection of Fraction worksheets designed to help your child learn to compare and order fractions. Compare and Order Fractions, Decimals, and Percents.